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A baby talk recorder. 童言童語錄音機

This is actually one of the functions of TiipTap. We developed a recorder for kids. we designed it with an intention of corresponding between recording a voice and blowing up a balloon. The concept has been transformed by a metaphorical activity, to blow in the air into a balloon.


Blow up balloon, blow in magical sound

To a little kid, recording voice is quite a magic. The whole blowing up balloon idea serves one purpose, to stimulate children's imagination. Kids are sensitive to color and size. This balloon recorder was designed to correspond its size and color to the recording time.

For kids who haven't yet developed the concept of time but still, they will learn to stop recording by the green turns blue, small gets big.


In the demonstration video, it only takes 5 steps. 1. Hold the red circle to start recording. That balloon gets bigger while you hold it longer.

2. Release the bottom, to reveal the audio map on the rainbow.

3. drag the start and end handle to trim the audio rainbow (skippable action).

4. Hit the balloon to replay.

5. Save with a title of just the date (if the title were empty)

在示範影片當中總共只需要5個步驟就可以完成錄音。 1. 按住底下的紅色圈圈,開始錄音。錄音越久氣球就越大顆。還會變色。 2. 放開按鈕,音頻圖將會顯現在彩虹裡。

3. 拖拉開始和結束拉桿來擷取需要的聲音彩虹。(可跳過)

4. 按氣球就會播放剛剛開始和結束中間彩虹的聲音。

5. 儲存檔名或是日期 (如果並未輸入檔名)

It can't be more comforting and funny to record random baby language. There is more design thinking flipped re-design coming up. Subscribe.



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