Why do we need a re-designed controller, because it is no longer a niche product?
Before drone gets popular, remote flight is a very niche market, which means performance, upgrading knowledge, expensive, and the chance of total-lost are for flight lovers only. It's got a really high learning curve, people can't master it without a few heartbroken failures. It's different now, drone market gets ready for anyone with a dream of flying in the air, thanks to its production quality and F.P.V. (first-person view) technology.
Otherwise, the drone was improved that much, it was designed for masters, or designed by masters. We've got America setup or Japan setup controllers, that nubies got confused easily. The learning curve for freshmen is still there. Therefore, let's start a project to redesign the drone controller.
The new design was developed in 4 stages:
study, observe/define, insight/solution, prototyping.
First question what makes a drone fly?
在4軸飛行器普及前,遙控飛機都侷限在專業遙控玩家的世界中,也就是性能好、需要改裝知識、貴又怕摔的就是這麼一小撮人在玩。學習曲線也相當的高,沒摔個幾次繳個萬把塊,學不會遙控飛行器。但是自從空拍機的出現,穩定的4軸飛行器和圖傳功能,讓外行人也願意一圓飛行夢。 但是,原本遙控飛機的遙控器,就是設計給老手的抑或是老手設計的,什麼美國手、日本手的。穩定的性能雖然降低不少門檻,但是專門設計給老手的遙控器還是有些許的學習曲線。 我們來重新設計一下4軸機的遙控器吧!
Study 學習
One. Each propeller is paired in a diagonal (CW or CCW), and the opposite direction for the other pairs. It makes the force and reaction force cancel out each other.
第ㄧ 其對角線的螺旋槳都會是同一個方向(無論順逆時針),且另一個對角線會是與之相反的。主要是讓飛行機螺旋槳所帶來的迴轉動能可以相互抵銷。
It moves in 3axis
X: Forward and Backward
Y: Right and Left
Z: Up and Down
第二 運動座標共XYZ三軸
Combination of each propeller, in action of controlling.
Throttle, Pitch, Roll, Yew, Smooth turn, Sharp turn
第三 每個螺旋槳作動對應的飛行動作
Controller setups
American and Japanese setups
第四 遙控器分類 美國手與日本手,如圖
Observe / Define:
In the world of remote flight, the tail-aligned mode is recommended for first-timers. That means you are facing the same direction that the drone does. It gives a strong corresponding connection with the drone in your control.
It has a less corresponding connection between yew and throttle. This is giving nubies a hard time internalizing this connection.
遙控界的新手學習,有一種模式叫做對尾模式。也就是為了讓新手能夠更快上手,剛開始學習的時候讓你與遙控飛機頭朝向同一方向,也就是你會對著尾巴操作的意思。 因為同一個方向,所以產生對應的關聯性,有關連性才能夠跳耀式的學習。 反觀,遙控圈內的老手使用的遙控器對於新手,特別是迴轉與升降的操作內化,需要相當的時間練習。
Define / Insight:
To begin with, by increasing the corresponding connection, a new design makes the drone experience less suffering. The most nature fly simulation is to simulate using our hands.
洞見與方案: 所以我要試著增加關聯性,來設計一個新手可以秒上手的遙控器。
One. the original connection, hand
It is not feasible to capture hand position continuously. It could capture too much unnecessary movement, or too less.
第一 最原始的關聯性,手
Two. Types of Joy-stick and how people use it
A racing game player prefers frequent and small inputs, a shorter joystick, and even use the D-pad. It does avoid unnecessary inputs and delays.
Some of the drone masters gesture their hand like the OK hand sign, using both index and thumb. Some of the arcade masters hold the joystick in between the index and mid finger, or mid and ring finger. Ergonomically, it's easier to quickly circular, or opposite-direction input. In remote car racing, they have a gun-shape controller which has a wheel on it to be more directional corresponding. I can redesign the drone controller base on that.
第二 搖桿的類型,和使用搖桿的方式
競速類遊戲玩家,喜好細緻且快速的輸入指令,偏好較短的搖桿,甚至使用十字鍵。多段數的長搖桿容易讀取到不必要的訊息,較短的操作行程確可以減少操作延遲。 部分飛行遙控老手甚至會用食指和姆指圈著搖桿底部進行操作。街機高手也有這種手勢,就是使用拇指、食指和中指勾著搖桿前端圓球的動作。所以在人體工學上可以多考慮這一點。
最後我要加上,遙控車使用的槍型遙控器的概念,針對三軸運動重新設計。 如四軸飛行器,在機身全速前進時,迴轉的指令將很難產生有效大幅度的轉向,左右會主導整個轉向,迴轉的操作會相對微妙和個人化。
Three. F.P.V. corresponding
Control beyond visual range is made possible by the FPV system. You will always be aligned with the drone you are flying. The starter can always use starter mode, and it is the key to drone racing. There are 3 driving modes In the classic racing game, transparent car, inside the car, and up behind the car. With cell phone FPV and Corresponding Joystick, drone experience can be the third type without pricy FPV goggles. Drone control can be so corresponding like watching a 4D movie.
第三 圖傳的對應性
有了圖傳(亦稱FPV第一人稱視角),視距外操作變為可能,透過螢幕第一人稱的視角就能夠實現永遠對尾的狀態。小白也能輕易上手,特別是四軸機飛行競賽的應用。 在競速遊戲中主流的三種模式:駕駛艙透明FPV、駕駛艙內FPV、正後上方追尾。 應用圖傳,加上正後上方的追尾模式設計出來的遙控器,就像是4D電影一樣直覺對應。
Four. Ergonomic
The gun controller is designed for the right-hander. It can be redesigned to be more left-hander friendly or universal. I am considering the ergonomic design more like holding a golf club, fishing pole, or a barcode reader. The final design will be solid after the prototype has been reverse-engineered.
第四 人體工學
以往的槍型遙控器,會設計成左手油門右手轉向,對左撇子其實不太友善。考慮中的握持姿勢會像是拿高爾夫球桿, 釣竿或是條碼機,實際設計出原型後,再使用逆向工程倒推。
This design considers no electric parts, extra space will be reserved.
Let's go and see what HCD has brought us to.
This video demonstrates the controlling skills of a drone master. Check it out.